
You have a choice of two projects. Be prepared to present them in class.



Project 1

  • Choose 4 battles of the Civil War.
  • Plot their locations on a map (you may use Google maps).
  • Share that map with the teacher (the teacher will help you if you’re not sure how to do this)
  • Create a short PowerPoint or Prezi presentation to describe the battles. Be sure to include when it was fought, why it was important, and any additional information you choose (for example, important people involved)


Student Exemplar




Project 2

Write the following 3 letters.  The letters should be written in a Google Doc or MS Word, printed and handed in for credit.

  • Choose a woman you have learned about. Write a letter from her to her family describing her experience.
  • Write a letter home from the war as a soldier of the Confederacy.
  • Write a letter from Abraham Lincoln to his wife describing how his feelings about slavery have changed.







“Writing” by Charles Barilleaux is licensed under CC BY 2.0
“civil war map” by roosac is licensed under CC BY 2.0